Frontend Developer at TelleQT в Telleqt

Зарплата от $4,500 до $5,000

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Короткое описание

Вакансия Frontend Developer в компании TelleQT. Зарплата от 4 500 до 5 000 долларов. Удаленная работа на полную ставку. Обязанности включают разработку аналитического продукта, изменение существующей архитектуры, оптимизацию производительности. Требуется опыт работы с TypeScript, JavaScript, React 16+.

Размещено 01.04.2024

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#job #работа #вакансия #frontend #js #typescript #vacancy

company: telleqt

postion: frontend developer

💰salary: 4.500 - 5.000 $

full-time, remote


- development of an analytics product

- changing existing architecture and developing a new architecture

- performance problem analysis and optimization

- applying creativity and broad knowledge of principles to the completion of complex assignments


stack: typescript, javascript, react 16+/redux/react router, html, css, webpack

experience in architecture and development of a web product

collaboration skills and working with minimum supervision

english intermediate


remote work, georgia or any other country

joining during the company expansion with great growth and carrier opportunities and the opportunity to receive shares of the company

salary based on interview results

medical insurance

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