Flutter Developer в Gauss Money

Зарплата от $2,000 до $4,500

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Короткое описание

Company Gauss Money lowers interest rates on existing credit cards. We help people break out of structural debt and build wealth. Our vision is to build fair banking for the middle class. Position We are looking for an experienced mobile developer. It's a great opportunity for those who love autonomy, fast-pace environment, extended responsibility and steep learning curves - you'll be on

Размещено 3 дня назад

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Gauss Money lowers interest rates on existing credit cards. We help people break out of structural debt and build wealth. Our vision is to build fair banking for the middle class.


We are looking for an experienced mobile developer. It's a great opportunity for those who love autonomy, fast-pace environment, extended responsibility and steep learning curves - you'll be on the early team of an ambitious fintech, working with the CTO and contributing most directly to the performance of the product, as well as positively affecting lives of millions of consumers.

You'll be writing code in Dart and Flutter using Figma designs. If you love functional programming, that's a big plus for us and an opportunity for you — our backend is fully written in Haskell, and we'd love to support your growth to a full-stack role if you're interested.


  • Dart 3.16+ and Flutter
  • Data: Freezed + JSON Serializable
  • DI: migrating from SL to InheritedWidgets/Provider + constructor DI
  • Navigation: Navigator 2.0 + Router using Auto Route
  • State management: migrating from GetX to BLoC with generators + Freezed

You'll get

  • stable compensation $2,000-$4,500
  • potential equity options
  • flexible hours, remote setup
  • autonomy and influence
  • globally resellable and highly in-demand experience in FinTech
  • work closely with the founding team in an open, fast moving and fun environment
  • experience with launching products in the most competitive market in the world
  • steep learning curve across a wide range of hard and soft skills and responsibilities
  • contribute to building products with a big social mission and world class customer experiences


  • good knowledge of Dart and Flutter
  • solid understanding of software design principles like OOP, SOLID, etc
  • good English reading / writing skills

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